Cocci (Coccidiosis)

Cocci (Coccidiosis)

Coccidia is a small single celled organism that lives in the wall of the bowel. Its eggs are passed in the droppings and these eggs can become infective, especially in humid conditions.

Once these eggs are ingested, they multiply and produce further eggs which rupture through the bowel lining before being passed in the dropping, thus completing the life cycle. Control of dampness and appropriate hygiene, especially where feeders and drinkers are concerned should be of high priority. Each time an egg ruptures into the bowel from the lining, it causes a microscopic ‘pin prick’, allowing the birds blood, electrolytes and protein to be lost – causing weakness and interference of vital nutrients.

Symptoms of Coccidiosis:

  • Loss of weight
  • Greenish diarrohea
  • Lethargy
  • Excessive thirst
  • Loss of desire to fly